Sunday, October 30, 2011

Man When Are We Going To Stop

Man is the world's greatest friend and also its greatest enemy. Many scientists have pointed to man's excessive cutting down and burning of trees and fossils fuels as the primary contributor to global warming. Global warming is the increase in the earth's average temperature caused by the build up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases are the result of man's activities.

Although the earth has braved and survived Ice Age, droughts, hails, and other weather related disasters, it does not necessarily mean it is resistant to the effects of global warming. Man's complacency has put earth in a dangerous predicament: the increase in the amount of heat trapping gases is likely to warm the earth to a point whereby life cannot go on. Unless large scale measures are being implemented to curb the increase in the heat trapping gases in the atmosphere, man will soon witness the slow destruction of earth due to man's selfish nature.

Looking at the current rate of global warming, the consequences man has to face are likely to be dire. Climatic shifts resulting from global warming render densely populated coastal areas extremely vulnerable. This is especially so if they are situated in low-lying areas. Established scientific institutes have projected that floods occurring in these places will affect between 13 and 88 million people on a global basis annually from 2080s. If this projection were to come to pass, many developing countries and island nations will be the hardest hit as the cost of restoration works and re-housing the homeless will run into the millions.

The first people forced to evacuate to another region because of the threat of a great flood were residents of Tegua Island in the Pacific Ocean. The government of Tegua feared that the island;s eventual fate was permanent submergence due to rising waters attributed by climatic changes. A survey conducted recently showed that more than 2000 islanders all over the world fear facing a similar situation and are prepared to move at any costs.

Floods are just the first wave of consequences brought about by global warming. The immediate concern following a flood is the scarcity of clean drinking water and food. Starvation and the shortage of clean water are serious threats faced by the government and aid agency. This inability to adapt is not specific to man only. Plants and animals too may likely not survive the many changes taking place. All hope lies with mankind. Otherwise, these plants and animals will be eventually wiped out, leaving generation and the generations to come with a sad tomorrow.

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